Mafia game

Photoshop, Unity 5.

2D painted art, unity, co-op project

This project is a Mafia themed clicker game, with visuals inspired by Hearthstone, aimed for Steam and Android.

Currently in prototyping phase, co-op with Christophe Dupont. I'm responsible for game design, art and UI code. He does the back-end code.

The visual style is heavily inspired by Hearthstone for both the backgrounds and the UI elements.

Many elements will be animated and clickable. Transitions such as the one visible on the top right gif will be intricately crafted.

While the theme is not my favourite, I much prefer high-fantasy, I am greatly enjoying making the art and designing the mechanics.
All the textures are hand-painted in Photoshop, with the DawnBringer32 palette as the basis. I've found it very atmosphere-rich while making pixelart, so I tried it for the painting and it stuck.
As opposed to normal clicker games such as AdVenture Capitalist, every category of bars will have a different quirk. There's three categories right now; Guns, Dugs and Booze.

Guns have an upper bar indicating the overall crafting status, needing 5 iterations of the lower bar to be completed. The lower bar is what is started by the craft button. If the craft button is pressed within 0.5 seconds of completion the crafting time is reduced up to 3 times.

Upgrades are available for the crafting speed and the item value. And a lackey can be hired to do the clicking for you. (even when you're away)
One the player has enough money to unlock the drugs category a cellar under the main room will be available. At first he'll need to switch back and forth manually, but after a while a handy UI shortcut will be available for purchase.
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